
This webspace was built in partnership with GigaKnot Geodesic

For more information about their boutique digital design services and interactive CD-ROM programming, email Frida Galder at our Contact page.

Happy browsing.

news & updates


It's release day! Apes Scrapes and Bandages, the new album from Starsapien, is out NOW!

You can stream it on your favorite platform, or pick up a copy on digital or cassette here.

What makes for a more perfect night than a glass of wine, some Sape playing over the speakers, and completing your Cybersapien Security Awareness Training test, due October 31 at midnight?

Bet your biscuits that's what I'll be doing with my Friday night!

- Frida


Good day, it's Deb. 

The first week in October is known around here as Cyber Sape-tober Awareness Month, and I hope all Fansapiens will stay alert for digital danger.

Phishing scams and data breaches are a serious threat to you, your workplace, and frankly, our economy. Therefore, we all must take precautions.

We now require all users of www.starsapien.com to complete our Cybersapien Security Awareness test.

If you have not completed the test by October 31, 2023 at midnight, we may report your IP address to GigaKnot Geodesic's Digital Loss Prevention team for potential corrective action. (We used to handle it internally, but now everything has to go through corporate. Typical.)

- Deb


It's over with. That Stasapien: Live in the Dark thing.

The final song is called "Same Song." It seems pretty dumb to put the word "song" in the title of a song.

It's just a little... meta I guess. 

Huh. Meta. Boy would I love to have an internship with them right now. I'm not sure how well this GigaKnot thing is working out.

My boss never answers my emails and I never see her. And the printing room reeks of garlic. And people in different departments haven't stopped telling me to "wait 'til next summer!"

Wait for what?! What happens at GigaKnot Geodesic in the summer??

- Erroll


We have some somber news to share with the Sape community:

Our beloved friend and longtime Starsapien sound engineer, Jeffrey Pine, has passed away at the age of 55.

Fans will recognize Jeffrey's sonic handiwork across the entire Starsapien back catalogue.

Before you get on with the weekend, we hope you'll take a moment to honor Jeffrey's legacy by reading our brief remembrance.

Hug your loved ones a little tighter today.

- Frida


Hey, Fansapiens!

"Twice" is the latest song featured in Stasapien: Live in the Dark. You can check it out here!

We're just a few weeks away from the new album Apes Scrapes and Bandages. Pre-order on tape or digital while supplies last.

PS: in case you're more of a CD-ROM boy (or girl), just email Don Fremonté, the labs engineer at GigaKnot Geodesic, and he'll fix you up right away.

- Frida


The Stasapien: Live in the Dark video performance series launches today with a candlelight rendition of "Raw Walrus," the lead single from the forthcoming album Apes Scrapes and Bandages.

I guess the Hollywood producers were so cheap they wouldn't even pay for electricity.

A little unprofessional if you ask me, but I'm just the intern.

- Erroll


Starsapien, the eclectic recording group helmed by Jay Siebold, will release their second full-length album Apes Scrapes and Bandages on October 13, 2023.

Lead single “Raw Walrus” is available now on all platforms.

The album was recorded with North Carolina session musicians, but features storytelling and characters inspired by Siebold’s home on the left coast: Los Angeles. 

Siebold said of the album’s creation:

I thought it'd be fun to take the jazz cats out to the sticks to make a faux-country-western record. It's West Coast songs with an East Coast band, so the album feels like it's living between two weird worlds.

Apes Scrapes and Bandages builds on the sound of 2021's Streams of Conscience, in part by swapping synthesizers for pedal steel, toy piano, and brass.

Long-time collaborators Kevin Beardsley and Jakob Bower directed and arranged the performances. The album was mastered by Jason Richmond, with graphic design by Alberto Ricchi.

You can read the full press release here.

- Frida


Is this thing safe to eat? 

“Raw Walrus” is streaming NOW on all world wide web pages! Listen on your favorite streaming platform here

Happy listening, Fansapiens! And be sure to "follow" Sape on Spotify / Apple Music / Tidal / Bandcamp for updates on new music

(Haven’t switched to broadband? Click here to download a dial-up-friendly version to your desktop.)

- Frida


It's Erroll. I'm supposed to tell you that Starsapien got featured in a newspaper no one reads (no offense to the people of Victorville). Actually I was supposed to tell you a few weeks ago, but I've gotten so behind on this new project I'm not allowed to talk about. 

The internship application said a 40-hour workweek, not 70+. But no one else seems tired at this company. Just me. Coffee doesn't help. Lunch break naps don't help. My eyes feel like they're dying all the time.

Anyway, we have an excerpt here if you want to read it.

- Erroll


We made it to September, Sapefans!

After my week away at the GKG Special Training site, I can't tell you what it meant to waltz into my local Starbucks for my first pumpkin spice latte of the season! If you can't tell, fall is my favorite season.

Rumor has it, fall may be looking good for Starsapien this year. I'll keep you posted. ;-)

- Frida


I guess I'm in charge of this now? I haven't heard from Frida in a few days. And my boss's boss doesn't know anything. 

Do I get to clock overtime for doing this on a Saturday?

I don't really have any news about Starsapien right now because I don't know what it is, but I hope this internship will teach me.

- Erroll


Happy Wednesday! It's Frida from GKG!

I'm so happy to announce our first-annual Fall 2023 Starsapien-GigaKnot Collaborative Intern Cohort!

This unique internship program gives young people from diverse backgrounds hands-on experience in web design and digital ecosystems integration for the music industry. 

We hope our industry-leading training program will build the college freshmen of today into the tech leaders of tomorrow.

Now, due to a paradigm shift in corporate priorities and vision-based values combined with a staff reduction post-pay equity study, our former CEO made the difficult choice of hiring only one intern this year. But we expect the program to really take off when the new fiscal hits next summer.

With all of that out of the way, please join me in welcoming our Fall 2023 Starsapien-GKG Intern Cohort: Erroll Robinson!

Erroll comes to us from DeVry Online University, and he starts at the GigaKnot offices today. I've asked him to do a little icebreaker here as his first assignment.

- Frida

I had to buy new pants for this. Everyone's really friendly here so far, but they all keep saying, "Wait 'til next summer!" I'm not sure what they mean. 

My internship only runs until December, so I don't think I'll get to find out. But I'm really looking forward to doing my study abroad in Rome when this is over.

I have to get back to Harassment Prevention training.

- Erroll


Hello compatriots, Webmaster Deb here. 

We recently opened a webchat between Starsapien and fans.

While, for the most part, it has been a resounding success, there has been an uptick this week in non-sequitur submissions. I will take the time now to provide reply to some of these inquiries to prevent further muddling of the inbox:

Q: What happened to The Terrestrians?

A: As stated in the Between the Speakers interview last month, there were “creative differences… [about] the brand of coffee brewed at the studio.” There is no further information about the break-up of The Terrestrians at this time.

Q: My Starsapien toaster always burns my bagels! I want a refund!

A: From GKG Legal: The Fansapien™ Sweepstakes is an ongoing, no-purchase-necessary giveaway event, and as such, all prizes are ineligible for refunds. GigaKnot Geodesic, which administers the sweepstakes, is not liable for replacement or repair of faulty giveaway items, nor is it liable for the potential health issues that may be caused by consuming foods toasted in the Toastsapien™ rapid toaster.

Q: What do you think of these new electric hive warmers? Are they good for small-scale honey production?

A: Double-check your URL before you hit enter. The forum you are looking for is over at Star Apian.

- Deb


Happy Monday! 

Over the weekend, you may have heard gossip floating around the interwebs about a new Starsapien album. Please know that GigaKnot's Cloud-Powered ScanBots are patrolling all publicly-accessible server space to eradicate said rumors as well as to flag statements that don't align with our core values.

In other news, the Starsapien organization is getting interest from across the pond. You can read an excerpt of an interview with our accountant, Roger Collins, published by a BBC affiliate.

- Frida


Hey, gang. We know it's been a long week for so many of us in this great country in which we live. Let's end it all... on a positive note. We're training the new office AI to query and index digital kittens. Please enjoy the collection of links and images during your weekend!

- Frida


Happy Tuesday! Cassettes are half-off today. We're calling it "Tape Tuesday!" (Maybe we can have "Frida Friday" one of these days!)

Visit our store to grab a copy of Streams of Conscience and use the promo code T8P-2ZDAY to activate this special offer. Valid only through midnight PST 8/8/23. 

If you are interested in a CD-ROM pressing instead, please contact me directly.

- Frida


Hello! My name is Deb and I am the website administrator for Starsapien. I am replacing the old webmaster who was no good. 

Please return often for regular updates from the band about new merch for sale and shows coming to a city near you. 

While you're here, please visit the Sweepstakes tab to enter our weekly drawing. You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain! Thanks again for visiting the site, and I'll pass it off now to Frida Galder, our web content development guru over at GigaKnot.

- Deb Bakshi

Hey Fansapiens! It's Frida from GigaKnot Geodesic! I'm consulting with Deb and the rest of the Starsapien team to create the most engaging broadband experience possible. 

At GigaKnot, we believe in the power of synthetic computing and hyperautomation to achieve global outcomes at an individual scale. GigaKnot Geodesic: Feels Human. We're a proud American company, and that's what makes Starsapien such a great partner for us.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with us at our Contact page so I can get to know you better!

- Frida Galder